ExSoullent: Let’s Take Care Of The “Sacred Garden”

Empowering women to give self-care to her with the ancient practice of vaginal steaming.

October 14, 2021: The global pandemic has helped encourage a lot of women to invest in health and wellness, but how many people are taking care of down there? Well, ExSoullent, has launched a range of unique self-care products that can give a women’s most intimate parts some serious TLC.

Give pelvic muscles a complete workout with our Yoni Egg, or soothe down there with a herbal vaginal steamer. Taking inspiration from ancient remedies that have been used for centuries by women to support deep wellness, each product has been designed to enhance the mind, body, and soul, reducing stress, removing toxins, and promoting self-love. But, what is vaginal steaming, and does it work?

Give Your Vagina A Break

From menstruation, working out, tight lingerie, sexual intercourse, and childbirth, the vagina withstands a lot! The least a woman can do is spend some time pampering down there. As an age-old natural remedy, vaginal steaming is said to cleanse the vagina and uterus and ease period cramps, bloating, and even regulate menstruation. It has also been praised by Gwyneth Paltrow, who tried this unique spa experience herself.

In traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion, the process of burning mugwort on or over a certain area of the body, is used to treat reproductive problems. It has been found effective in turning breech babies at around 34 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. According to Chinese medicine, moxibustion and herbal vaginal steams can regulate the yin or feminine energy in the body, minimize genital pain, swelling, and promote female reproductive health.

Herbal vaginal steams are also thought to treat symptoms of menopause, promote the healing of hemorrhoids, increase blood flow, support post-partum women and regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles.

While you can sometimes book a vaginal steam at a high-end spa, for a more relaxing self-care day at home, check out ExSolluent’s Yoni Steam Spa Kit. It contains everything required for a safe and natural feminine steam session.

Like many natural remedies, vaginal steaming is not something a doctor would typically recommend. However, the only concerns many health experts have are regarding safe practice and making sure the equipment is thoroughly cleaned between each use. Just listen to your body regarding holistic remedies. Vaginal steaming is not recommended for pregnant women.

Empowering Women Of All Walks Of Life

Heal from the inside out and develop a deeper connection to down there. After all, this is a part of the body that can create pleasure and bring new life into the world, yet it is all too often neglected. ExSoullent hopes that their customers will celebrate their vagina, which is all too often a cause for negativity in our society. In fact, the owner of ExSoullent was originally born in China and always felt inferior as a woman. Only when in America did passion transform into a thriving business and a dream to empower women from all walks of life could be pursued. So take care of your sacred garden and give her a workout with the Yoni Egg, treat her to some TLC with our Vaginal Detox Pearls, which are made with 100% natural herbs, or pamper her with a Yoni spa steam kit.

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