TikTok, Is it Worth Your Time as a Business?

TikTok is a lot of things. It is new, creative, fun, innovative, time-consuming, but more important than all of that, TikTok is popular. If you consider yourself a person who prefers a phone call over a text, if you get confused by hashtags, or if you have never heard the word emoji before. There is a chance that you haven’t heard about TikTok yet.

TikTok is the most downloaded app in the world. TikTok has over 2 billion downloads and over 850 million current users. To give a perspective of how massive that number is, roughly one out of every 10 people in the entire world are currently active TikTok users. With numbers that gigantic, it feels as if it should be a given to grow your brand on TikTok.

There are factors to consider that should scare off many people from using TikTok for their business. One of the biggest upsides has not been mentioned yet. And that is the opportunity it gives to increase customer awareness. This is by far the biggest benefit of using a platform like TikTok. As stated, most potential users are not going to be big spenders. If you’re looking for an angel investor, this is not the place to begin your search.
However, with proper linking and branding, what you do on this platform can bleed into other social media and avenues of business. This idea can improve your following and influence on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms. Social media marketing can work wonders, and TikTok is a great way of getting started. TikTok can get you views and impressions, and with views and impressions comes awareness.

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